Why Every Experience Matters: Trusting Life’s Path to Consciousness
Learning to embrace the now opens us to deeper wisdom
Spirit, help us to embrace each experience as a gift, even when our understanding feels beyond reach. May You grant us patience to be present, trust to accept what we cannot change, and courage to grow through every moment. Guide us in our way so that we may see the purpose of our path, finding strength and wisdom in the now. May we hold onto hope, knowing we are always moving closer to our highest good.
Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment. — Ekhart Tolle
This quote caused me to pause. For so long, I have struggled with a couple of things:
being present
recognizing that where I am right now is right where I need to be
and understanding that patience is key to getting through challenging times
Then you throw in a quote from the consciousness guru himself, and I stop and go, "Hmm. Is there something here for you and me to gain wisdom from?"
Let’s break the quote down. First, as much as we don’t like recognizing that every life experience is helpful, a part of me understands that my life experiences have taught me valuable lessons. Some have been good, and some not, but each one has taught me that every experience matters.
There is always a lesson to be learned, and when I trust life’s path and allow myself to remain open, I have greater consciousness and grow personally. Sometimes, it doesn’t happen right away, but it does happen.
The phrase “evolution of your consciousness” can be confusing or questionable unless you realize that Eckhart Tolle refers to expanding our awareness, deeper understandings (of personal and spiritual growth), and cultivating inner peace. Even if we don’t understand why something is occurring, we can trust it serves a higher purpose in our journey.
The second part of the quote asks a question of ourselves. “How do you know this is the experience you need?” Eckhart Tolle responds, “Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
Oh. That.
It was that part of the quote that made me realize that life happens, and when it does, we have a few choices:
run and hide
get angry
or sit with the situation and realize something bigger is happening (both around us and to us), and the result is to hopefully help us transform and have personal growth
In other words, God knows we need this life experience to help us develop more trust, patience, resilience, compassion, self-understanding, or … (fill in the blank).
What do you need more of right now?
I don’t even want to admit that every experience is something I need, but when I reflect on my life and its unfolding of good and unfortunate experiences, I see a thread of something that continues to grow within me. It is hope.
I never give up on hope. Don’t ask me why. Maybe it’s built into my DNA, but I always hope for the best. I realize the flip side is disappointment, but I am learning to recognize that not all things have a bad ending. The shoe might not drop, and everything will be okay.
Hope also comes in different forms. Sometimes, it’s internal — a feeling or sense that I need to stay the course even though other people tell me otherwise. Sometimes, it comes in the form of encouragement from friends and family.

This past weekend, I was privileged to participate in a Korean shaman cleansing ceremony that intersected art and spirituality. Hosted by The Nicholson Project, artist Julia Chon and Mudang Jenn created a participatory experience.
I had never experienced something so beautiful and profound. At one point, I agreed to receive a message from Mudang Jenn. For those who don’t speak Korean, the word “mudang” means Shaman.
She asked, “Are you a positive person?” I laughed out loud because I have never viewed myself as positive, but after some time, I realized I have been. What she saw or sensed was not off-base. Maybe that’s where my long-lost romance with hope comes from. I always hope for the better and look for goodness when facing challenging times.
What about you? How have your experiences paved your life path to consciousness?
What life experiences have you found especially difficult to accept, and how might they have contributed to your personal growth or understanding?
What insights or realizations about yourself or your needs begin to surface when you have been fully present?
What qualities or virtues — like patience, resilience, or compassion — might you be called to develop more of through some of your current experiences?
As a suggestion, using the audio for this section might be helpful so you can listen without having to read and remember.
Find a quiet space and sit comfortably, closing your eyes and bringing your attention to your breath. Take three deep breaths in, allowing your heart and soul to inhale compassion. As you exhale, release any tension.
Inhale: I breathe in compassion.
Exhale: I release any tension.
Inhale: I breathe in patience.
Exhale: I release any anxiety.
Inhale: I breathe in strength.
Exhale: I release any weakness in my soul.
Focus on the Present: Bring your attention to any sensations in your body. Notice how it feels to be sitting, paying attention to the rhythm of your breath and the space around you.
Invitation for Reflection: With each inhale, invite a sense of openness, and with each exhale, allow any resistance to soften. Repeat the affirmation:
This moment is part of my growth. I am exactly where I need to be.
Embrace and Release: Allow any emotions, thoughts, or insights to arise without judgment. Notice them, observe them, and know they are a part of your journey.
Close with Gratitude: After a few minutes, take a deep breath in. Silently thank yourself for the time.
Inhale: I am grateful for this time.
Exhale: Everything that happens is for a purpose.
May you find peace in each moment that unfolds, trusting every experience serves a greater purpose in your life’s journey. May your heart and soul remain open to the wisdom hidden in every breath, challenge, and joy, allowing them to nourish the depths of your consciousness. May hope be your guide as you walk your unique path of growth and grace
May you know that you are loved because you matter.
May your soul be refreshed.